METAMORPHIC SPIRIT attempts to show the inner, hidden world of city dwellers. Their animal apparitions were subsequently shown on a multimedia screen in a public space. This project was done in collaboration with Becky Yee (artist/photography).
In individual interviews, questions related to >>Which animal is hidden inside of you?<< were asked. Oyama created an animal mask for each of the 31 participants, Berliners ranging in age from 6 to 84. Yee then photographed each participant with their mask and asked them to re-enact essential movements that characterized their eanimalf. The digital stills were then processed into 10-second video clips.
Basic Data
GASOMETER, Urban Screen, Schoeneberg, Berlin, Germany
Medienfassaden Festival Berlin 2008
700 square meter LED screen
Presentation duration
October 16 - November 3, 2008
Workshop Period
Building masks: July 18 E28, 2008
Photo shoot: July 29 EAugust 6, 2008
Number of participants
31 P
6 E84 years old
Paper, plastic, video
Jenny Johansenn, Erin Tin A Ton, Nico Stich
Gravis Store Berlin
GASOMETER , Urban Screen, Schoeneberg, Berlin, Germany
Which animal is hidden inside of you?
Why do you feel related to this animal?
Which characteristics and qualities of this animal do you find in your personality?
Which expression shall your mask embody?
A jaguar has always been inside of me. I am a very shy person. The jaguar tells me to be strong.