"Scenes of Temptations"

A new project "Scenes of Temptations"by Yuka Oyama and Axel Ruoff is at its research phase.

Please share your stories and ideas with us. Based on collected drawings, texts, etc. we will develop sculptures, videos, and installations.

The first results will be presented during 48 Stunden Neukölln an arts festival in Berlin.

Please download the PDF file and send me your answers by
June 5, 2011!

A stepmother disguises herself and offers an apple with a tempting voice. Snow White bites into an apple like Adam and falls into a deep sleep. She is placed in a glass coffin until a prince abducts her. In fairytales a tempter is perceived in two extreme poles such as a devil and a savior.

Please draw or describe a scene of temptation and/or seduction which really happened or is in your own fantasies.

Please send your answers to the following address:
Yuka Oyama /Axel Ruoff
Platz der Vereinten Nationen 27
10249 Berlin

More about this project:
In the Berliner Stadtmission "Bureau of Temptations" will welcome the visitors of 48 Stunden Neukolln. A confessional-like-box - artistic bureau of fantasies, dreams, obsessions, hallucinations, fears, etc. about "temptations" will be presented and awaiting your contributions. Everything will be kept anonymous. During the 48 hours that the bureau of temptations is presented collective fantasies about "temptations" will be brought together along with previously collected materials.

Exhibition Dates:
Friday, June 17, 7.00PM - 10.00PM
Saturday, June 18, 11.00AM - 10.00PM
Sunday, June 19, 11.00AM - 3.00PM

Berliner Stadtmission
Lehrter Str. 68
10557 Berlin


48 Neukölln

Berliner Stadtmission

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